Posts tagged something sweet
Something Sweet Series

Sometimes you just need a little something sweet to make a Monday morning less sour.

I've been obsessing over Thirdstory since December of 2014. They basically just ooze out talent, and I can't stop swooning over their harmonies. I saw them in September while visiting Chicago and managed to slip my way to the front. I can neither confirm, nor deny, the presence of a single tear. But put them on your radar. I have a feeling their going to release a full length album in the next 6 months or so. Here's a Ted performance of their first EP. 

Something Sweet Series

Sometimes you just need a little something sweet to make a Monday morning less sour. 

Last week I stumbled upon the website for Creative Mornings. It's an organization  
that brings the creative community together in a series of breakfast events in 150+ cities. Luckily, they record and post their talks. After watching a ton of videos, I sat down and really listened to this talk from Holley Murchison titled '8 Lessons in Love'. Take the 33 minutes and appreciate Holley explaining how to choose love. 

"If we are going to change the world, we have to be open to the perspectives of what other people are going through -- whether you've experienced it firsthand or not." - Holley Murchison